Dear Members,

We have all listened too or read, the Government’s plan to take us out of Lockdown, which means an after Easter opening for retail businesses but only outdoors for hospitality venues. However, if any of you wish to make any announcement re opening or offers, please let me know and I can share it with the membership.

As a number of us, including the Town Hall, have taken advantage of the furlough scheme, one can only hope that the rumours in the press of an extension until at least the end of June, are proved to be correct.


The AGM will be held by Zoom on Wednesday 10th March at 6.00PM, if you wish to attend please contact Pete Elsworth on who will give you the relevant information. Can you contact him by Monday 8th March.


We have some new events:

Wednesday 10th March a Spring Networking Zoom event entitled a “Wake up Call with the Rooster” from 8.00AM to 9.30AM. This will be run by marketing expert Annick Devillard and application forms can be found on the Chamber Web site

Wednesday June 30th – We will be holding a barbecue at the Berkhamsted Cricket Club from 6.00PM to late. We also intend to support some local charities at the barbecue. This event, on current Lockdown information, should have no restrictions.

Both our breakfast and lunch networking meetings will be restarting. We have provisionally booked May 19th for a breakfast meeting at Berkhamsted Cricket Club, which will probably start at 8.00AM as it will be an outdoor function on the veranda.

Our first lunch meeting will be in July, with a date and venue to be announced.


There have been a number of grants available to give support during Covid Lockdown. We have highlighted a couple of recent grants which were based on rateable value.

Yet there is an organisation in Hertfordshire that has a grant scheme for Business Expansion of £2.7 million which is part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of £3.3 million. This is the Hertfordshire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership).

The grant can be used towards buying, plant, machinery, IT Equipment and in certain cases extra floor space. There, has to be at least one job created and grants vary from £10,000 to £100,000 and cover 50% of the total expenditure.

The scheme is funded by the Hertfordshire LEP and the ERDF and supported by the Hertfordshire Growth Hub and Hertfordshire council.

For further information, including application forms, please contact Hertfordshire Growth Hub or call 01707 398168. It may be that this scheme is not suitable, but their advisors, on this number, will signpost other schemes that may be of use to you.


High Street Parking

There has been a meeting over High Street parking between, Dacorum and Berkhamsted Councils and further discussion is taking place.

The overall objective is to increase footfall in the High Street and encourage drivers to use the multi storey car-park.

Dacorum Plan

Many of you will be aware of the Dacorum Plan, which was recently published, and objections can still be made up to 28th February. I am reliably informed that all the parish/town councils in Dacorum will be objecting. However, the Berkhamsted Citizens have made a very good plea to save our green spaces, please make an objection if you want to.

The Citizen’s brochure

Dacorum Council Digital Support Program

Dacorum Council has an initiative, backed by the Town Council, to support High Street businesses. On March 9th it is launching a Digital Support programme to local businesses, offering FOR FREE 12 weeks 1-1 support and access on how to revitalise trade and trade safely. If you want more information, please contact Gunilla Edwards or Fraser Willcox on and or ring 01442 531003.


AgeUK Dacorum

They are setting up a new local service to cover bereavement and Covid-19. They recognise that not only are people experiencing bereavement from the death of loved ones, but also grief from not being able to see them. There are also problems with loss of purpose, loneliness, and not being able to pursue hobbies all of which can contribute to a feeling of isolation.

There is a free and confidential listening support service available from Monday to Wednesday 10:00AM to 12:00 Noon via a dedicated phone line 01442 507880. Messages can be left and listening support and practical advice will be provided.

Copper House

They are re-opening in the week commencing April 12th complete with their beautiful new covered terrace arrangement (picture below), providing both heating a lighting for those who want to eat and drink in al fresco style. They are taking bookings so if you would like to make an enquiry contact them on

The new Copper House Terrace

Haines Watts

They are doing a number of business seminars in Spring, and on Thursday 4th March from 11AM to 11.45 AM their next one is on the changes of rules on IR35 entitled “Worker Status and the End of Self Employment” which will be given as a webinar by their Tax Manager Ian Dodge. More information can from Ian at or ring 01442 873236.

The Highwayman

The Highwayman is keeping in touch and has sent out information regarding their founder Raymond Blanc who has a new cookery program on ITV 1 on Saturday’s at 11.40 AM

For those of you who are looking forward to dining out here is a picture of Raymond.

Tobias Oliver

They always surprise me with the eclectic and beautiful products that they sell. The impossible collection by Assouline presenting Salvador Dali is one such collection. This book selected by art historian Paul Moorhouse spotlights 100 works by Dali, throughout his eight decades. For more information, please contact

Dali – The Impossible Collection at Tobias Oliver


Traveltime are launching a series of online travel events, to be held on Saturdays from the 27th February at 10:30AM which will be hosted by travel industry experts. If you need more information please contact Jackie, Ashley and Angela at Obviously with the Lockdown road map allowing people to travel, this will be a great way to investigate your summer holidays.


Berkhamsted High Street

Harber Dennis Hobbs (HDH) have ranked Berkhamsted High Street as the 8th best shopping destination in Britain. This is from a list of 1,000 shopping destinations and is an improvement from 2019 when the High Street was ranked 14th.

HDH ranking determines the health of high streets and shopping centres according to several factors, including the change in residents’ movements, vacancy rates, and suitability to local consumer demands.

Hertfordshire and West Essex Health and Care Academy

If you wish to help the local Health and Care organisations you may consider this offer.

As we receive information re grants, council news or Covid changes, we will send out messages via MailChimp; if you need any other information please send your enquiries by Email to Meanwhile we look forward to the end of the Lockdown and being able to return  to normal business.

Pete Elsworth – Chair

07901 515381 –