Dear Members,

We are now in phase 3 of the HMG recovery programme and pubs and restaurants can now serve you inside their premises, which given the weather over the last couple of weeks should prove to be a godsend. I also look forward to other customer facing attractions being opened and enjoying them with my family.

The BDCC Committee is looking to put on more events, however we would be interested if any of you have any ideas for future events, training, or any other issue that you believe BDCC should be involved with. Please contact with any ideas.



Some of you will have attended the breakfast meeting held on the 19th May and we will continue to run these through 2021. The next breakfast meeting at the cricket club will be on Wednesday 14th July starting at 7.15AM. There will be a presentation from Alison Page of APM Marketing.


We will be holding our annual barbecue at Berkhamsted Cricket Club on Wednesday 18th August We intend to support 5 local charities who are BDCC members. Furthermore, all members that have paid their 2021/2022 subscriptions will receive one free ticket to the event, which will include a barbecue meal and a glass of bubbly. The start time will be 6.00PM and pricing for other guests will be £18.


Berkhamsted School have invited the BDCC to have a FIVES night every Wednesday from a date to be announced in September at 7.00 – 8.30PM. Equipment and coaching will be provided by the school staff, this is a mixed event and is open to all ages. You do need good sports shoes and comfortable clothing.  The school have suggested that we should provide a case of beer as the fee, to do so there will be a small charge per head of £2. There are 6 courts and Fives is always played as doubles, so we can accommodate a good number. Haines Watts have already stated that they have 3 players.

This is a sporting networking event please let if you are interested in taking part.

A Fives event held by the school


Business Schemes

We intend to offer an apprentice of the year award which will be open to all members, and we will announce the rules soon. We are also re-initiating our Business of the Year award which will be presented at the 2022 AGM. The only restrictions are that both events are limited to BDCC Members.


There will be an announcement re lunches as we are talking to some different venues. The only proviso is that we will only hold them where the venue is a BDCC member.

Windsor Races

Spectators are now back at sporting events including horse racing. Solario Racing in conjunction with the BDCC, are planning to organise “A day at the Windsor Races” in August, more details will be issued nearer the event.


High Street Parking

There is not much change from my last newsletter; the procedure is still on-going.

Dacorum Plan

The current plan has been withdrawn by Dacorum Borough Council, as there were many objections. The latest update is that there will initially be a new plan for Hemel Hempstead in about 12 months, and in an unspecified future date for Berkhamsted and Tring.

Dacorum Economic Development

Fraser Willcox and the team have linked up with Save the High Street and are active in promoting the borough and its three main towns. Please contact Fraser on or ring 01442 531003, as there are various initiatives most of which are free eg. a seminar on on-line marketing and selling. The Chamber has liaised with them and some of our members have been involved in a video presentation selling Berkhamsted and the Borough. However, if you have any thoughts on developing the Town please send them to


Action Coach

Jo Hubbocks has informed the BDCC that they are holding a business masterclass in June for businesses who want to increase their turnover. This is a three-day masterclass with in-depth earning. There are workshop activities and they will deal with specific issues that your business may have. It will run by Limitless Academy with a small group of no more than 8, and two dedicated experienced business coaches. More information can be found at or contact Jo at

Copper House

They have opened their secret garden location at the back of the Old Town Hotel. This comfortably seats up to 24, is secluded and is available for company functions, a romantic evening, or a very pleasant night out. For more information go to or contact Andy Simpson at


Sharon Abbott has told BDCC that she has worked in HR for 35 years and is experienced in all aspects. She has decided to leave corporate life and set up her own business offering HR services to BDCC members. She can advise on all aspects of HR including employment contracts and termination. She has also become an expert on furlough payments and procedures. Sharon has lived in Dacorum all her life and knows the area well and is looking forward to working with all local companies, and hopefully be active with BDCC. More information about SMAHR Ltd can be found on her website or ring her on 07982 244397.

Sharon Abbott


Solario Racing

Simon Double has informed us about a new film DREAM HORSE based on the true-life story of a horse called Dream Alliance, who was raised on an allotment in a Welsh ex-mining village and went on to win the 2009 Coral Welsh National. Simon states that it is an “equine Full Monty without the nudity” and it is a wonderful, feel good film, which will help lift our spirits.

Simon co-hosts a podcast called “Inside the Rails” and in the latest episode he interviews the film’s director, Euros Lyn, about how the film was made.

Dream Horse is on general release from June 4th and will be screened at the Rex on July 3rd.

His podcast is available on Apple and Spotify

Syndicate Joy from “Dream Horse”



Jane O’Gorman has informed the BDCC that Ten2Two are running business podcasts during 2021 the latest being on “the new normal” and delivered by a Senior Watford partner of PWC. Ten2Two have also interesting information and advice from CIPD on the benefits of homeworking. For more information on these and future events please contact Jane on


Crystal Palace Pub

Punch Pubs had initially put in a planning application to convert it to three dwellings. Due to a lot of local opposition Punch have now withdrawn this and have written to many objectors that they will retain and invest in the pub to ensure that it is a sustainable business with a bright future. However, this is dependent on support for their new planning application and an acceptance of their new vision.

Hertfordshire LEP

They have announced a package of up to £3.28 million to support businesses with immediate cash flow and business advice to enable them to diversify and adapt to the new environment post lockdown. This is another form of Covid support. To get more information about grants being offered and business support by the LEP please contact

New Hospital

There is another push to see if West Herts can have a new hospital situated off the M25. Rather than wasting money on trying to upgrade Watford hospital, I have been informed that it will be cheaper to build new. Anyway, look out for their slogan of “Don’t put lipstick on a pig”.

Young Enterprise

BDCC has supported the Young Enterprise initiative in Berkhamsted which has had teams from both Berkhamsted and Ashlyn’s Schools. It should start up again in September and we need some of you to help- out as business advisors. This will take up 1 to 2 hours a week during term time, and you will be advising a team of 16/17 year-olds on how to form and run a small business. If anyone wants to help please contact


Finally, Dacorum started paying out restart grants last week. If you have not yet received yours please chase them.

I hope to meet many of you at our various events in 2021

Pete Elsworth throwing shapes


Best Regards

Pete Elsworth – Chair

07901 515381 –