We are delighted to tell you that the public launch of the Event Hub is taking place this week. To remind you, the Event Hub is a website produced by your Chamber to list all events in Berkhamsted and its surrounds. It is funded by Dacorum Borough Council and one of its main aims is to bring more people into Berkhamsted for the benefit of the Town and our Members.
Particularly after the pandemic and the upcoming recession, it is even more important to shop local and stay local. Any Event organiser can easily load an event onto the website – it is completely free, and a number of you are already taking advantage of this. Open Door, BerkoBeerfest, Hospice, Age UK Dacorum, and Warehouse Pizza have all put events on the site.
10500 flyers are being distributed to Berkhamsted households this week, highlighting that, by clicking on “Eventhubdacorum.com”, they can find out what’s on in 17 different categories from film to talks, festivals to kids, comedy to music. To make the most of this opportunity for the Town, please follow and share “eventhubdacorum.com” as well as the Chamber website.
We will also be supporting this via social media, so any of you loading an event can expect to have a shout-out from us across social media platforms