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Climate Action Berkhamsted
Saturday 18th September, 2021 - Sunday 26th September, 2021

Be part of the Great Big Green Week in Berkhamsted: 18th – 26th September 2021
We are excited to invite you to take part in the Great Big Green Week from 18th – 26th September 2021 – a UK wide celebration of action on climate change.
This event will bring together local individuals and groups to celebrate what Berkhamsted people are doing in our community to respond to the climate and ecological emergency – and explore what more we can do to achieve net zero missions as soon as possible.
Our programme will kick off on Saturday 18th September in the Civic Centre with a day of events and activities. This is a great opportunity to promote your organisation and showcase your environmental actions and plans.
Over the course of the week, we hope that many local groups and individuals will organise and deliver further events and actions, large and small. Climate Action Berkhamsted will publicise those events through social media and other channels.
Where you come in
We invite you to plan an event or activity to take place during the week of 18th – 26th September to highlight your special contribution to climate action. This could be something which:
- kick-starts your project
- attracts more volunteers or support for your activity
- demonstrates your ongoing work and achievements
- shares your expertise and knowledge
For inspiration, look no further than our near neighbours in St Albans who run a highly successful Sustainability Fest every year with a huge programme of events.
Whatever it is – it will be sure to inspire others to get more involved in greener initiatives, championing sustainability – or just making important changes in their day to day lives.

What is Climate Action Berkhamsted?
We are an umbrella organisation of a number of groups – including Berkhamsted Town Council, Transition Town Berkhamsted and other local community organisations who have joined forces for Great Big Green Week. We want to highlight the critical importance of the international climate conference COP26 which the UK is hosting in November this year, and how this links directly to us in Berkhamsted.
Great Big Green Week is also a signal to politicians of our commitment to action. We want them to raise their ambition and champion more meaningful action on climate change.
If you would like to get involved please complete the form or you can email us and we will happily get back to you.
Involve, inspire, go green with Climate Action Berkhamsted.
Thank you for your support
Best wishes,
Climate Action Berkhamsted Steering Group
E: climateactionberko@gmail.com